pictcode / lib / Cake / View / Helper / JsHelper.php @ 9ddbf630
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* Javascript Generator class file.
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* CakePHP : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
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* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
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* Licensed under The MIT License
9 |
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
10 |
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
11 |
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* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
13 |
* @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
14 |
* @package Cake.View.Helper
15 |
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.2
16 |
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
17 |
18 |
19 |
App::uses('AppHelper', 'View/Helper'); |
20 |
App::uses('JsBaseEngineHelper', 'View/Helper'); |
21 |
App::uses('Multibyte', 'I18n'); |
22 |
23 |
24 |
* Javascript Generator helper class for easy use of JavaScript.
25 |
26 |
* JsHelper provides an abstract interface for authoring JavaScript with a
27 |
* given client-side library.
28 |
29 |
* @package Cake.View.Helper
30 |
* @property HtmlHelper $Html
31 |
* @property FormHelper $Form
32 |
33 |
class JsHelper extends AppHelper { |
34 |
35 |
36 |
* Whether or not you want scripts to be buffered or output.
37 |
38 |
* @var bool
39 |
40 |
public $bufferScripts = true; |
41 |
42 |
43 |
* Helper dependencies
44 |
45 |
* @var array
46 |
47 |
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form'); |
48 |
49 |
50 |
* Variables to pass to Javascript.
51 |
52 |
* @var array
53 |
* @see JsHelper::set()
54 |
55 |
protected $_jsVars = array(); |
56 |
57 |
58 |
* Scripts that are queued for output
59 |
60 |
* @var array
61 |
* @see JsHelper::buffer()
62 |
63 |
protected $_bufferedScripts = array(); |
64 |
65 |
66 |
* Current Javascript Engine that is being used
67 |
68 |
* @var string
69 |
70 |
protected $_engineName; |
71 |
72 |
73 |
* The javascript variable created by set() variables.
74 |
75 |
* @var string
76 |
77 |
public $setVariable = 'app'; |
78 |
79 |
80 |
* Constructor - determines engine helper
81 |
82 |
* @param View $View the view object the helper is attached to.
83 |
* @param string|array $settings Settings array contains name of engine helper.
84 |
85 |
public function __construct(View $View, $settings = array()) { |
86 |
$className = 'Jquery'; |
87 |
if (is_array($settings) && isset($settings[0])) { |
88 |
$className = $settings[0]; |
89 |
} elseif (is_string($settings)) { |
90 |
$className = $settings; |
91 |
} |
92 |
$engineName = $className; |
93 |
list(, $className) = pluginSplit($className); |
94 |
95 |
$this->_engineName = $className . 'Engine'; |
96 |
$engineClass = $engineName . 'Engine'; |
97 |
$this->helpers[] = $engineClass; |
98 |
parent::__construct($View, $settings); |
99 |
} |
100 |
101 |
102 |
* call__ Allows for dispatching of methods to the Engine Helper.
103 |
* methods in the Engines bufferedMethods list will be automatically buffered.
104 |
* You can control buffering with the buffer param as well. By setting the last parameter to
105 |
* any engine method to a boolean you can force or disable buffering.
106 |
107 |
* e.g. `$js->get('#foo')->effect('fadeIn', array('speed' => 'slow'), true);`
108 |
109 |
* Will force buffering for the effect method. If the method takes an options array you may also add
110 |
* a 'buffer' param to the options array and control buffering there as well.
111 |
112 |
* e.g. `$js->get('#foo')->event('click', $functionContents, array('buffer' => true));`
113 |
114 |
* The buffer parameter will not be passed onto the EngineHelper.
115 |
116 |
* @param string $method Method to be called
117 |
* @param array $params Parameters for the method being called.
118 |
* @return mixed Depends on the return of the dispatched method, or it could be an instance of the EngineHelper
119 |
120 |
public function __call($method, $params) { |
121 |
if ($this->{$this->_engineName} && method_exists($this->{$this->_engineName}, $method)) { |
122 |
$buffer = false; |
123 |
$engineHelper = $this->{$this->_engineName}; |
124 |
if (in_array(strtolower($method), $engineHelper->bufferedMethods)) { |
125 |
$buffer = true; |
126 |
} |
127 |
if (count($params) > 0) { |
128 |
$lastParam = $params[count($params) - 1]; |
129 |
$hasBufferParam = (is_bool($lastParam) || is_array($lastParam) && isset($lastParam['buffer'])); |
130 |
if ($hasBufferParam && is_bool($lastParam)) { |
131 |
$buffer = $lastParam; |
132 |
unset($params[count($params) - 1]); |
133 |
} elseif ($hasBufferParam && is_array($lastParam)) { |
134 |
$buffer = $lastParam['buffer']; |
135 |
unset($params['buffer']); |
136 |
} |
137 |
} |
138 |
139 |
$out = call_user_func_array(array(&$engineHelper, $method), $params); |
140 |
if ($this->bufferScripts && $buffer && is_string($out)) { |
141 |
$this->buffer($out); |
142 |
return null; |
143 |
} |
144 |
if (is_object($out) && $out instanceof JsBaseEngineHelper) { |
145 |
return $this; |
146 |
} |
147 |
return $out; |
148 |
} |
149 |
if (method_exists($this, $method . '_')) { |
150 |
return call_user_func(array(&$this, $method . '_'), $params); |
151 |
} |
152 |
trigger_error(__d('cake_dev', 'JsHelper:: Missing Method %s is undefined', $method), E_USER_WARNING); |
153 |
} |
154 |
155 |
156 |
* Overwrite inherited Helper::value()
157 |
* See JsBaseEngineHelper::value() for more information on this method.
158 |
159 |
* @param mixed $val A PHP variable to be converted to JSON
160 |
* @param bool $quoteString If false, leaves string values unquoted
161 |
* @param string $key Key name.
162 |
* @return string a JavaScript-safe/JSON representation of $val
163 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::value
164 |
165 |
public function value($val = array(), $quoteString = null, $key = 'value') { |
166 |
if ($quoteString === null) { |
167 |
$quoteString = true; |
168 |
} |
169 |
return $this->{$this->_engineName}->value($val, $quoteString); |
170 |
} |
171 |
172 |
173 |
* Writes all Javascript generated so far to a code block or
174 |
* caches them to a file and returns a linked script. If no scripts have been
175 |
* buffered this method will return null. If the request is an XHR(ajax) request
176 |
* onDomReady will be set to false. As the dom is already 'ready'.
177 |
178 |
* ### Options
179 |
180 |
* - `inline` - Set to true to have scripts output as a script block inline
181 |
* if `cache` is also true, a script link tag will be generated. (default true)
182 |
* - `cache` - Set to true to have scripts cached to a file and linked in (default false)
183 |
* - `clear` - Set to false to prevent script cache from being cleared (default true)
184 |
* - `onDomReady` - wrap cached scripts in domready event (default true)
185 |
* - `safe` - if an inline block is generated should it be wrapped in <![CDATA[ ... ]]> (default true)
186 |
187 |
* @param array $options options for the code block
188 |
* @return mixed Completed javascript tag if there are scripts, if there are no buffered
189 |
* scripts null will be returned.
190 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::writeBuffer
191 |
192 |
public function writeBuffer($options = array()) { |
193 |
$domReady = !$this->request->is('ajax'); |
194 |
$defaults = array( |
195 |
'onDomReady' => $domReady, 'inline' => true, |
196 |
'cache' => false, 'clear' => true, 'safe' => true |
197 |
); |
198 |
$options += $defaults; |
199 |
$script = implode("\n", $this->getBuffer($options['clear'])); |
200 |
201 |
if (empty($script)) { |
202 |
return null; |
203 |
} |
204 |
205 |
if ($options['onDomReady']) { |
206 |
$script = $this->{$this->_engineName}->domReady($script); |
207 |
} |
208 |
$opts = $options; |
209 |
unset($opts['onDomReady'], $opts['cache'], $opts['clear']); |
210 |
211 |
if ($options['cache'] && $options['inline']) { |
212 |
$filename = md5($script); |
213 |
$path = WWW_ROOT . Configure::read('App.jsBaseUrl'); |
214 |
if (file_exists($path . $filename . '.js') |
215 |
|| cache(str_replace(WWW_ROOT, '', $path) . $filename . '.js', $script, '+999 days', 'public') |
216 |
) { |
217 |
return $this->Html->script($filename); |
218 |
} |
219 |
} |
220 |
221 |
$return = $this->Html->scriptBlock($script, $opts); |
222 |
if ($options['inline']) { |
223 |
return $return; |
224 |
} |
225 |
return null; |
226 |
} |
227 |
228 |
229 |
* Write a script to the buffered scripts.
230 |
231 |
* @param string $script Script string to add to the buffer.
232 |
* @param bool $top If true the script will be added to the top of the
233 |
* buffered scripts array. If false the bottom.
234 |
* @return void
235 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::buffer
236 |
237 |
public function buffer($script, $top = false) { |
238 |
if ($top) { |
239 |
array_unshift($this->_bufferedScripts, $script); |
240 |
} else {
241 |
$this->_bufferedScripts[] = $script; |
242 |
} |
243 |
} |
244 |
245 |
246 |
* Get all the buffered scripts
247 |
248 |
* @param bool $clear Whether or not to clear the script caches (default true)
249 |
* @return array Array of scripts added to the request.
250 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::getBuffer
251 |
252 |
public function getBuffer($clear = true) { |
253 |
254 |
$scripts = $this->_bufferedScripts; |
255 |
if ($clear) { |
256 |
$this->_bufferedScripts = array(); |
257 |
$this->_jsVars = array(); |
258 |
} |
259 |
return $scripts; |
260 |
} |
261 |
262 |
263 |
* Generates the object string for variables passed to javascript and adds to buffer
264 |
265 |
* @return void
266 |
267 |
protected function _createVars() { |
268 |
if (!empty($this->_jsVars)) { |
269 |
$setVar = (strpos($this->setVariable, '.')) ? $this->setVariable : 'window.' . $this->setVariable; |
270 |
$this->buffer($setVar . ' = ' . $this->object($this->_jsVars) . ';', true); |
271 |
} |
272 |
} |
273 |
274 |
275 |
* Generate an 'Ajax' link. Uses the selected JS engine to create a link
276 |
* element that is enhanced with Javascript. Options can include
277 |
* both those for HtmlHelper::link() and JsBaseEngine::request(), JsBaseEngine::event();
278 |
279 |
* ### Options
280 |
281 |
* - `confirm` - Generate a confirm() dialog before sending the event.
282 |
* - `id` - use a custom id.
283 |
* - `htmlAttributes` - additional non-standard htmlAttributes. Standard attributes are class, id,
284 |
* rel, title, escape, onblur and onfocus.
285 |
* - `buffer` - Disable the buffering and return a script tag in addition to the link.
286 |
287 |
* @param string $title Title for the link.
288 |
* @param string|array $url Mixed either a string URL or a CakePHP URL array.
289 |
* @param array $options Options for both the HTML element and Js::request()
290 |
* @return string Completed link. If buffering is disabled a script tag will be returned as well.
291 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::link
292 |
293 |
public function link($title, $url = null, $options = array()) { |
294 |
if (!isset($options['id'])) { |
295 |
$options['id'] = 'link-' . (int)mt_rand(); |
296 |
} |
297 |
list($options, $htmlOptions) = $this->_getHtmlOptions($options); |
298 |
$out = $this->Html->link($title, $url, $htmlOptions); |
299 |
$this->get('#' . $htmlOptions['id']); |
300 |
$requestString = $event = ''; |
301 |
if (isset($options['confirm'])) { |
302 |
$requestString = $this->confirmReturn($options['confirm']); |
303 |
unset($options['confirm']); |
304 |
} |
305 |
$buffer = isset($options['buffer']) ? $options['buffer'] : null; |
306 |
$safe = isset($options['safe']) ? $options['safe'] : true; |
307 |
unset($options['buffer'], $options['safe']); |
308 |
309 |
$requestString .= $this->request($url, $options); |
310 |
311 |
if (!empty($requestString)) { |
312 |
$event = $this->event('click', $requestString, $options + array('buffer' => $buffer)); |
313 |
} |
314 |
if (isset($buffer) && !$buffer) { |
315 |
$opts = array('safe' => $safe); |
316 |
$out .= $this->Html->scriptBlock($event, $opts); |
317 |
} |
318 |
return $out; |
319 |
} |
320 |
321 |
322 |
* Pass variables into Javascript. Allows you to set variables that will be
323 |
* output when the buffer is fetched with `JsHelper::getBuffer()` or `JsHelper::writeBuffer()`
324 |
* The Javascript variable used to output set variables can be controlled with `JsHelper::$setVariable`
325 |
326 |
* @param string|array $one Either an array of variables to set, or the name of the variable to set.
327 |
* @param string|array $two If $one is a string, $two is the value for that key.
328 |
* @return void
329 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::set
330 |
331 |
public function set($one, $two = null) { |
332 |
$data = null; |
333 |
if (is_array($one)) { |
334 |
if (is_array($two)) { |
335 |
$data = array_combine($one, $two); |
336 |
} else {
337 |
$data = $one; |
338 |
} |
339 |
} else {
340 |
$data = array($one => $two); |
341 |
} |
342 |
if (!$data) { |
343 |
return false; |
344 |
} |
345 |
$this->_jsVars = array_merge($this->_jsVars, $data); |
346 |
} |
347 |
348 |
349 |
* Uses the selected JS engine to create a submit input
350 |
* element that is enhanced with Javascript. Options can include
351 |
* both those for FormHelper::submit() and JsBaseEngine::request(), JsBaseEngine::event();
352 |
353 |
* Forms submitting with this method, cannot send files. Files do not transfer over XmlHttpRequest
354 |
* and require an iframe or flash.
355 |
356 |
* ### Options
357 |
358 |
* - `url` The url you wish the XHR request to submit to.
359 |
* - `confirm` A string to use for a confirm() message prior to submitting the request.
360 |
* - `method` The method you wish the form to send by, defaults to POST
361 |
* - `buffer` Whether or not you wish the script code to be buffered, defaults to true.
362 |
* - Also see options for JsHelper::request() and JsHelper::event()
363 |
364 |
* @param string $caption The display text of the submit button.
365 |
* @param array $options Array of options to use. See the options for the above mentioned methods.
366 |
* @return string Completed submit button.
367 |
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/core-libraries/helpers/js.html#JsHelper::submit
368 |
369 |
public function submit($caption = null, $options = array()) { |
370 |
if (!isset($options['id'])) { |
371 |
$options['id'] = 'submit-' . (int)mt_rand(); |
372 |
} |
373 |
$formOptions = array('div'); |
374 |
list($options, $htmlOptions) = $this->_getHtmlOptions($options, $formOptions); |
375 |
$out = $this->Form->submit($caption, $htmlOptions); |
376 |
377 |
$this->get('#' . $htmlOptions['id']); |
378 |
379 |
$options['data'] = $this->serializeForm(array('isForm' => false, 'inline' => true)); |
380 |
$requestString = $url = ''; |
381 |
if (isset($options['confirm'])) { |
382 |
$requestString = $this->confirmReturn($options['confirm']); |
383 |
unset($options['confirm']); |
384 |
} |
385 |
if (isset($options['url'])) { |
386 |
$url = $options['url']; |
387 |
unset($options['url']); |
388 |
} |
389 |
if (!isset($options['method'])) { |
390 |
$options['method'] = 'post'; |
391 |
} |
392 |
$options['dataExpression'] = true; |
393 |
394 |
$buffer = isset($options['buffer']) ? $options['buffer'] : null; |
395 |
$safe = isset($options['safe']) ? $options['safe'] : true; |
396 |
unset($options['buffer'], $options['safe']); |
397 |
398 |
$requestString .= $this->request($url, $options); |
399 |
if (!empty($requestString)) { |
400 |
$event = $this->event('click', $requestString, $options + array('buffer' => $buffer)); |
401 |
} |
402 |
if (isset($buffer) && !$buffer) { |
403 |
$opts = array('safe' => $safe); |
404 |
$out .= $this->Html->scriptBlock($event, $opts); |
405 |
} |
406 |
return $out; |
407 |
} |
408 |
409 |
410 |
* Parse a set of Options and extract the Html options.
411 |
* Extracted Html Options are removed from the $options param.
412 |
413 |
* @param array $options Options to filter.
414 |
* @param array $additional Array of additional keys to extract and include in the return options array.
415 |
* @return array Array of js options and Htmloptions
416 |
417 |
protected function _getHtmlOptions($options, $additional = array()) { |
418 |
$htmlKeys = array_merge( |
419 |
array('class', 'id', 'escape', 'onblur', 'onfocus', 'rel', 'title', 'style'), |
420 |
421 |
); |
422 |
$htmlOptions = array(); |
423 |
foreach ($htmlKeys as $key) { |
424 |
if (isset($options[$key])) { |
425 |
$htmlOptions[$key] = $options[$key]; |
426 |
} |
427 |
unset($options[$key]); |
428 |
} |
429 |
if (isset($options['htmlAttributes'])) { |
430 |
$htmlOptions = array_merge($htmlOptions, $options['htmlAttributes']); |
431 |
unset($options['htmlAttributes']); |
432 |
} |
433 |
return array($options, $htmlOptions); |
434 |
} |
435 |
436 |
} |