pictcode / lib / Cake / View / Helper / MootoolsEngineHelper.php @ 9ddbf630
履歴 | 表示 | アノテート | ダウンロード (10.944 KB)
1 | 635eef61 | spyder1211 | <?php
2 | /**
3 | * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
4 | * Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
5 | *
6 | * Licensed under The MIT License
7 | * For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
8 | * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
9 | *
10 | * @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
11 | * @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
12 | * @package Cake.View.Helper
13 | * @since CakePHP(tm) v 1.3
14 | * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
15 | */
16 | |||
17 | App::uses('JsBaseEngineHelper', 'View/Helper'); |
18 | |||
19 | /**
20 | * MooTools Engine Helper for JsHelper
21 | *
22 | * Provides MooTools specific JavaScript for JsHelper.
23 | * Assumes that you have the following MooTools packages
24 | *
25 | * - Remote, Remote.HTML, Remote.JSON
26 | * - Fx, Fx.Tween, Fx.Morph
27 | * - Selectors, DomReady,
28 | * - Drag, Drag.Move
29 | *
30 | * @package Cake.View.Helper
31 | */
32 | class MootoolsEngineHelper extends JsBaseEngineHelper { |
33 | |||
34 | /**
35 | * Option mappings for MooTools
36 | *
37 | * @var array
38 | */
39 | protected $_optionMap = array( |
40 | 'request' => array( |
41 | 'complete' => 'onComplete', |
42 | 'success' => 'onSuccess', |
43 | 'before' => 'onRequest', |
44 | 'error' => 'onFailure' |
45 | ), |
46 | 'sortable' => array( |
47 | 'distance' => 'snap', |
48 | 'containment' => 'constrain', |
49 | 'sort' => 'onSort', |
50 | 'complete' => 'onComplete', |
51 | 'start' => 'onStart', |
52 | ), |
53 | 'drag' => array( |
54 | 'snapGrid' => 'snap', |
55 | 'start' => 'onStart', |
56 | 'drag' => 'onDrag', |
57 | 'stop' => 'onComplete', |
58 | ), |
59 | 'drop' => array( |
60 | 'drop' => 'onDrop', |
61 | 'hover' => 'onEnter', |
62 | 'leave' => 'onLeave', |
63 | ), |
64 | 'slider' => array( |
65 | 'complete' => 'onComplete', |
66 | 'change' => 'onChange', |
67 | 'direction' => 'mode', |
68 | 'step' => 'steps' |
69 | ) |
70 | ); |
71 | |||
72 | /**
73 | * Contains a list of callback names -> default arguments.
74 | *
75 | * @var array
76 | */
77 | protected $_callbackArguments = array( |
78 | 'slider' => array( |
79 | 'onTick' => 'position', |
80 | 'onChange' => 'step', |
81 | 'onComplete' => 'event' |
82 | ), |
83 | 'request' => array( |
84 | 'onRequest' => '', |
85 | 'onComplete' => '', |
86 | 'onCancel' => '', |
87 | 'onSuccess' => 'responseText, responseXML', |
88 | 'onFailure' => 'xhr', |
89 | 'onException' => 'headerName, value', |
90 | ), |
91 | 'drag' => array( |
92 | 'onBeforeStart' => 'element', |
93 | 'onStart' => 'element', |
94 | 'onSnap' => 'element', |
95 | 'onDrag' => 'element, event', |
96 | 'onComplete' => 'element, event', |
97 | 'onCancel' => 'element', |
98 | ), |
99 | 'drop' => array( |
100 | 'onBeforeStart' => 'element', |
101 | 'onStart' => 'element', |
102 | 'onSnap' => 'element', |
103 | 'onDrag' => 'element, event', |
104 | 'onComplete' => 'element, event', |
105 | 'onCancel' => 'element', |
106 | 'onDrop' => 'element, droppable, event', |
107 | 'onLeave' => 'element, droppable', |
108 | 'onEnter' => 'element, droppable', |
109 | ), |
110 | 'sortable' => array( |
111 | 'onStart' => 'element, clone', |
112 | 'onSort' => 'element, clone', |
113 | 'onComplete' => 'element', |
114 | ) |
115 | ); |
116 | |||
117 | /**
118 | * Create javascript selector for a CSS rule
119 | *
120 | * @param string $selector The selector that is targeted
121 | * @return $this
122 | */
123 | public function get($selector) { |
124 | $this->_multipleSelection = false; |
125 | if ($selector === 'window' || $selector === 'document') { |
126 | $this->selection = "$(" . $selector . ")"; |
127 | return $this; |
128 | } |
129 | if (preg_match('/^#[^\s.]+$/', $selector)) { |
130 | $this->selection = '$("' . substr($selector, 1) . '")'; |
131 | return $this; |
132 | } |
133 | $this->_multipleSelection = true; |
134 | $this->selection = '$$("' . $selector . '")'; |
135 | return $this; |
136 | } |
137 | |||
138 | /**
139 | * Add an event to the script cache. Operates on the currently selected elements.
140 | *
141 | * ### Options
142 | *
143 | * - 'wrap' - Whether you want the callback wrapped in an anonymous function. (defaults true)
144 | * - 'stop' - Whether you want the event to stopped. (defaults true)
145 | *
146 | * @param string $type Type of event to bind to the current dom id
147 | * @param string $callback The JavaScript function you wish to trigger or the function literal
148 | * @param array $options Options for the event.
149 | * @return string completed event handler
150 | */
151 | public function event($type, $callback, $options = array()) { |
152 | $defaults = array('wrap' => true, 'stop' => true); |
153 | $options += $defaults; |
154 | |||
155 | $function = 'function (event) {%s}'; |
156 | if ($options['wrap'] && $options['stop']) { |
157 | $callback = "event.stop();\n" . $callback; |
158 | } |
159 | if ($options['wrap']) { |
160 | $callback = sprintf($function, $callback); |
161 | } |
162 | $out = $this->selection . ".addEvent(\"{$type}\", $callback);"; |
163 | return $out; |
164 | } |
165 | |||
166 | /**
167 | * Create a domReady event. This is a special event in many libraries
168 | *
169 | * @param string $functionBody The code to run on domReady
170 | * @return string completed domReady method
171 | */
172 | public function domReady($functionBody) { |
173 | $this->selection = 'window'; |
174 | return $this->event('domready', $functionBody, array('stop' => false)); |
175 | } |
176 | |||
177 | /**
178 | * Create an iteration over the current selection result.
179 | *
180 | * @param string $callback The function body you wish to apply during the iteration.
181 | * @return string completed iteration
182 | */
183 | public function each($callback) { |
184 | return $this->selection . '.each(function (item, index) {' . $callback . '});'; |
185 | } |
186 | |||
187 | /**
188 | * Trigger an Effect.
189 | *
190 | * @param string $name The name of the effect to trigger.
191 | * @param array $options Array of options for the effect.
192 | * @return string completed string with effect.
193 | * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::effect()
194 | */
195 | public function effect($name, $options = array()) { |
196 | $speed = null; |
197 | if (isset($options['speed']) && in_array($options['speed'], array('fast', 'slow'))) { |
198 | if ($options['speed'] === 'fast') { |
199 | $speed = '"short"'; |
200 | } elseif ($options['speed'] === 'slow') { |
201 | $speed = '"long"'; |
202 | } |
203 | } |
204 | $effect = ''; |
205 | switch ($name) { |
206 | case 'hide': |
207 | $effect = 'setStyle("display", "none")'; |
208 | break;
209 | case 'show': |
210 | $effect = 'setStyle("display", "")'; |
211 | break;
212 | case 'fadeIn': |
213 | case 'fadeOut': |
214 | case 'slideIn': |
215 | case 'slideOut': |
216 | list($effectName, $direction) = preg_split('/([A-Z][a-z]+)/', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); |
217 | $direction = strtolower($direction); |
218 | if ($speed) { |
219 | $effect .= "set(\"$effectName\", {duration:$speed})."; |
220 | } |
221 | $effect .= "$effectName(\"$direction\")"; |
222 | break;
223 | } |
224 | return $this->selection . '.' . $effect . ';'; |
225 | } |
226 | |||
227 | /**
228 | * Create a new Request.
229 | *
230 | * Requires `Request`. If you wish to use 'update' key you must have ```Request.HTML```
231 | * if you wish to do Json requests you will need ```JSON``` and ```Request.JSON```.
232 | *
233 | * @param string|array $url URL
234 | * @param array $options Options list.
235 | * @return string The completed ajax call.
236 | */
237 | public function request($url, $options = array()) { |
238 | $url = html_entity_decode($this->url($url), ENT_COMPAT, Configure::read('App.encoding')); |
239 | $options = $this->_mapOptions('request', $options); |
240 | $type = $data = null; |
241 | if (isset($options['type']) || isset($options['update'])) { |
242 | if (isset($options['type']) && strtolower($options['type']) === 'json') { |
243 | $type = '.JSON'; |
244 | } |
245 | if (isset($options['update'])) { |
246 | $options['update'] = str_replace('#', '', $options['update']); |
247 | $type = '.HTML'; |
248 | } |
249 | unset($options['type']); |
250 | } |
251 | if (!empty($options['data'])) { |
252 | $data = $options['data']; |
253 | unset($options['data']); |
254 | } |
255 | $options['url'] = $url; |
256 | $options = $this->_prepareCallbacks('request', $options); |
257 | if (!empty($options['dataExpression'])) { |
258 | unset($options['dataExpression']); |
259 | } elseif (!empty($data)) { |
260 | $data = $this->object($data); |
261 | } |
262 | $options = $this->_parseOptions($options, array_keys($this->_callbackArguments['request'])); |
263 | return "var jsRequest = new Request$type({{$options}}).send($data);"; |
264 | } |
265 | |||
266 | /**
267 | * Create a sortable element.
268 | *
269 | * Requires the `Sortables` plugin from MootoolsMore
270 | *
271 | * @param array $options Array of options for the sortable.
272 | * @return string Completed sortable script.
273 | * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::sortable() for options list.
274 | */
275 | public function sortable($options = array()) { |
276 | $options = $this->_processOptions('sortable', $options); |
277 | return 'var jsSortable = new Sortables(' . $this->selection . ', {' . $options . '});'; |
278 | } |
279 | |||
280 | /**
281 | * Create a Draggable element.
282 | *
283 | * Requires the `Drag` plugin from MootoolsMore
284 | *
285 | * @param array $options Array of options for the draggable.
286 | * @return string Completed draggable script.
287 | * @see JsHelper::drag() for options list.
288 | */
289 | public function drag($options = array()) { |
290 | $options = $this->_processOptions('drag', $options); |
291 | return $this->selection . '.makeDraggable({' . $options . '});'; |
292 | } |
293 | |||
294 | /**
295 | * Create a Droppable element.
296 | *
297 | * Requires the `Drag` and `Drag.Move` plugins from MootoolsMore
298 | *
299 | * Droppables in Mootools function differently from other libraries. Droppables
300 | * are implemented as an extension of Drag. So in addition to making a get() selection for
301 | * the droppable element. You must also provide a selector rule to the draggable element. Furthermore,
302 | * Mootools droppables inherit all options from Drag.
303 | *
304 | * @param array $options Array of options for the droppable.
305 | * @return string Completed droppable script.
306 | * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::drop() for options list.
307 | */
308 | public function drop($options = array()) { |
309 | if (empty($options['drag'])) { |
310 | trigger_error(
311 | __d('cake_dev', '%s requires a "drag" option to properly function'), 'MootoolsEngine::drop()', E_USER_WARNING |
312 | ); |
313 | return false; |
314 | } |
315 | $options['droppables'] = $this->selection; |
316 | |||
317 | $this->get($options['drag']); |
318 | unset($options['drag']); |
319 | |||
320 | $options = $this->_mapOptions('drag', $this->_mapOptions('drop', $options)); |
321 | $options = $this->_prepareCallbacks('drop', $options); |
322 | $safe = array_merge(array_keys($this->_callbackArguments['drop']), array('droppables')); |
323 | $optionString = $this->_parseOptions($options, $safe); |
324 | $out = $this->selection . '.makeDraggable({' . $optionString . '});'; |
325 | $this->selection = $options['droppables']; |
326 | return $out; |
327 | } |
328 | |||
329 | /**
330 | * Create a slider control
331 | *
332 | * Requires `Slider` from MootoolsMore
333 | *
334 | * @param array $options Array of options for the slider.
335 | * @return string Completed slider script.
336 | * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::slider() for options list.
337 | */
338 | public function slider($options = array()) { |
339 | $slider = $this->selection; |
340 | $this->get($options['handle']); |
341 | unset($options['handle']); |
342 | |||
343 | if (isset($options['min']) && isset($options['max'])) { |
344 | $options['range'] = array($options['min'], $options['max']); |
345 | unset($options['min'], $options['max']); |
346 | } |
347 | $optionString = $this->_processOptions('slider', $options); |
348 | if (!empty($optionString)) { |
349 | $optionString = ', {' . $optionString . '}'; |
350 | } |
351 | $out = 'var jsSlider = new Slider(' . $slider . ', ' . $this->selection . $optionString . ');'; |
352 | $this->selection = $slider; |
353 | return $out; |
354 | } |
355 | |||
356 | /**
357 | * Serialize the form attached to $selector.
358 | *
359 | * @param array $options Array of options.
360 | * @return string Completed serializeForm() snippet
361 | * @see JsBaseEngineHelper::serializeForm()
362 | */
363 | public function serializeForm($options = array()) { |
364 | $options += array('isForm' => false, 'inline' => false); |
365 | $selection = $this->selection; |
366 | if (!$options['isForm']) { |
367 | $selection = '$(' . $this->selection . '.form)'; |
368 | } |
369 | $method = '.toQueryString()'; |
370 | if (!$options['inline']) { |
371 | $method .= ';'; |
372 | } |
373 | return $selection . $method; |
374 | } |
375 | |||
376 | } |