pictcode / app / View / Layouts / bootstrap3.ctp @ 26d1f852
履歴 | 表示 | アノテート | ダウンロード (2.294 KB)
1 | 3bf0e002 | admin | <!DOCTYPE html> |
2 | <html lang="en"> |
3 | <head> |
4 | <meta charset="utf-8"> |
5 | <title> |
6 | BoostCake - |
7 | <?php echo $title_for_layout; ?> |
8 | </title> |
9 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> |
10 | <meta name="description" content=""> |
11 | <meta name="author" content=""> |
12 | |||
13 | <!-- Le styles --> |
14 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"> |
15 | <style> |
16 | body { |
17 | padding-top: 70px; /* 70px to make the container go all the way to the bottom of the topbar */ |
18 | } |
19 | .affix { |
20 | position: fixed; |
21 | top: 60px; |
22 | width: 220px; |
23 | } |
24 | </style> |
25 | |||
26 | <!-- Le HTML5 shim, for IE6-8 support of HTML5 elements --> |
27 | <!--[if lt IE 9]> |
28 | <script src="http://html5shim.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script> |
29 | <![endif]--> |
30 | |||
31 | <?php |
32 | echo $this->fetch('meta'); |
33 | echo $this->fetch('css'); |
34 | ?> |
35 | </head> |
36 | |||
37 | <body> |
38 | <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"> |
39 | <div class="container"> |
40 | <div class="navbar-header"> |
41 | <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-ex1-collapse"> |
42 | <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span> |
43 | <span class="icon-bar"></span> |
44 | <span class="icon-bar"></span> |
45 | <span class="icon-bar"></span> |
46 | </button> |
47 | <?php echo $this->Html->link('BoostCake', array( |
48 | 'plugin' => 'boost_cake', |
49 | 'controller' => 'boost_cake', |
50 | 'action' => 'index' |
51 | ), array('class' => 'navbar-brand')); ?> |
52 | </div> |
53 | |||
54 | <div class="collapse navbar-collapse navbar-ex1-collapse"> |
55 | <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> |
56 | <li><?php echo $this->Html->link('Bootstrap3', array( |
57 | 'action' => 'bootstrap3' |
58 | )); ?></li> |
59 | <li><?php echo $this->Html->link('Bootstrap2', array( |
60 | 'action' => 'bootstrap2' |
61 | )); ?></li> |
62 | </ul> |
63 | </div> |
64 | </div> |
65 | </nav> |
66 | |||
67 | <div class="container"> |
68 | |||
69 | <?php echo $this->fetch('content'); ?> |
70 | |||
71 | </div><!-- /container --> |
72 | |||
73 | <!-- Le javascript |
74 | ================================================== --> |
75 | <!-- Placed at the end of the document so the pages load faster --> |
76 | <script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> |
77 | <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> |
78 | <script src="//google-code-prettify.googlecode.com/svn/loader/run_prettify.js"></script> |
79 | <?php echo $this->fetch('script'); ?> |
80 | |||
81 | </body> |
82 | </html> |