pictcode / lib / Cake / Console / Templates / skel / Config / acl.php @ 13c8314a
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* This is the PHP base ACL configuration file.
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* Use it to configure access control of your CakePHP application.
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* @link http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
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* @package app.Config
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* @since CakePHP(tm) v 2.1
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* Example
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* -------
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* Assumptions:
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* 1. In your application you created a User model with the following properties:
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* username, group_id, password, email, firstname, lastname and so on.
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* 2. You configured AuthComponent to authorize actions via
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* $this->Auth->authorize = array('Actions' => array('actionPath' => 'controllers/'),...)
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* Now, when a user (i.e. jeff) authenticates successfully and requests a controller action (i.e. /invoices/delete)
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* that is not allowed by default (e.g. via $this->Auth->allow('edit') in the Invoices controller) then AuthComponent
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* will ask the configured ACL interface if access is granted. Under the assumptions 1. and 2. this will be
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* done via a call to Acl->check() with
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* array('User' => array('username' => 'jeff', 'group_id' => 4, ...))
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* as ARO and
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* '/controllers/invoices/delete'
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* as ACO.
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* If the configured map looks like
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* $config['map'] = array(
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* 'User' => 'User/username',
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* 'Role' => 'User/group_id',
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* );
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* then PhpAcl will lookup if we defined a role like User/jeff. If that role is not found, PhpAcl will try to
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* find a definition for Role/4. If the definition isn't found then a default role (Role/default) will be used to
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* check rules for the given ACO. The search can be expanded by defining aliases in the alias configuration.
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* E.g. if you want to use a more readable name than Role/4 in your definitions you can define an alias like
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* $config['alias'] = array(
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* 'Role/4' => 'Role/editor',
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* );
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* In the roles configuration you can define roles on the lhs and inherited roles on the rhs:
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* $config['roles'] = array(
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* 'Role/admin' => null,
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* 'Role/accountant' => null,
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* 'Role/editor' => null,
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* 'Role/manager' => 'Role/editor, Role/accountant',
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* 'User/jeff' => 'Role/manager',
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* );
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* In this example manager inherits all rules from editor and accountant. Role/admin doesn't inherit from any role.
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* Lets define some rules:
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* $config['rules'] = array(
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* 'allow' => array(
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* '*' => 'Role/admin',
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* 'controllers/users/(dashboard|profile)' => 'Role/default',
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* 'controllers/invoices/*' => 'Role/accountant',
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* 'controllers/articles/*' => 'Role/editor',
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* 'controllers/users/*' => 'Role/manager',
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* 'controllers/invoices/delete' => 'Role/manager',
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* ),
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* 'deny' => array(
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* 'controllers/invoices/delete' => 'Role/accountant, User/jeff',
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* 'controllers/articles/(delete|publish)' => 'Role/editor',
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* ),
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* );
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* Ok, so as jeff inherits from Role/manager he's matched every rule that references User/jeff, Role/manager,
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* Role/editor, Role/accountant and Role/default. However, for jeff, rules for User/jeff are more specific than
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* rules for Role/manager, rules for Role/manager are more specific than rules for Role/editor and so on.
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* This is important when allow and deny rules match for a role. E.g. Role/accountant is allowed
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* controllers/invoices/* but at the same time controllers/invoices/delete is denied. But there is a more
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* specific rule defined for Role/manager which is allowed controllers/invoices/delete. However, the most specific
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* rule denies access to the delete action explicitly for User/jeff, so he'll be denied access to the resource.
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* If we would remove the role definition for User/jeff, then jeff would be granted access as he would be resolved
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* to Role/manager and Role/manager has an allow rule.
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* The role map defines how to resolve the user record from your application
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* to the roles you defined in the roles configuration.
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$config['map'] = array( |
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'User' => 'User/username', |
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'Role' => 'User/group_id', |
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); |
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* define aliases to map your model information to
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* the roles defined in your role configuration.
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$config['alias'] = array( |
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'Role/4' => 'Role/editor', |
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); |
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* role configuration
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$config['roles'] = array( |
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'Role/admin' => null, |
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); |
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* rule configuration
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$config['rules'] = array( |
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'allow' => array( |
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'*' => 'Role/admin', |
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), |
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'deny' => array(), |
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); |