バグ #727

AWS-Web:sync.jsでinvalid dataエラー

山本 義治ほぼ9年前に追加.

担当者:山本 義治進捗 %:




[ec2-user@ip-10-0-1-220 x-generation]$ tail -f /home/ec2-user/.pm2/logs/sync-out-2.log
[TypeError: invalid data]
[TypeError: invalid data]
Error Error: Redis connection to xg-redis.axvuz7.ng.0001.apne1.cache.amazonaws.com:6379 failed - write EPIPE
syncEvent.result.error:{ _id: 56ea97fbaf12ee7b1378dc9f,
  cpm: null,
  cpc: null,
  client: 56ea97c2af12ee7b1378dc9c,
   { _id: 56ea97fbaf12ee7b1378dc9e,
     app_key: 'IGQ6m4Rd8e7fldIR',
     client: 56ea97c2af12ee7b1378dc9c,
     app_id: 'test',
     name: 'テスト',
     app_type: 'iOS',
     category: 'ブック',
     store_id: 'http://www.google.com/',
     url_scheme: 'test://',
     kpi: 'インストール',
     __v: 0,
     deleted: false,
     delete_date: null,
     edit_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST),
     insert_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST),
     status: '稼働中',
     in_app_purchase: null,
     purchase_type: '無料' },
  name: '起動',
  event_type: '起動',
  label: 'launch',
  __v: 0,
  deleted: false,
  delete_date: null,
  edit_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST),
  insert_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST) }
{ [Error: Redis connection lost and command aborted in uncertain state. It might have been processed.] code: 'UNCERTAIN_STATE', command: 'HMSET' }
syncCampaign.result.error:{ _id: 56ea9979f8163f645e0c9ae0,
  campaign_id: 'AMSWws',
  client: 56ea97c2af12ee7b1378dc9c,
   { _id: 56ea97fbaf12ee7b1378dc9e,
     app_key: 'IGQ6m4Rd8e7fldIR',
     client: 56ea97c2af12ee7b1378dc9c,
     app_id: 'test',
     name: 'テスト',
     app_type: 'iOS',
     category: 'ブック',
     store_id: 'http://www.google.com/',
     url_scheme: 'test://',
     kpi: 'インストール',
     __v: 0,
     deleted: false,
     delete_date: null,
     edit_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST),
     insert_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:41:47 GMT+0900 (JST),
     status: '稼働中',
     in_app_purchase: null,
     purchase_type: '無料' },
  name: 'テスト1',
  description: 'テスト1',
  channel: '自社広告',
   { _id: 56ea9918f8163f645e0c9add,
     name: '自社広告',
     company_name: '自社',
     channel: '自社広告',
     postback_install_url: '',
     postback_purchase_url: '',
     postback_event_url: '',
     __v: 0,
     deleted: false,
     delete_date: null,
     edit_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:46:32 GMT+0900 (JST),
     insert_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:46:32 GMT+0900 (JST) },
  ad_type: 56ea993af8163f645e0c9adf,
  cpc: 0,
  cpi: 0,
  budget: 0,
  budget_daily: 0,
  start_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 09:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST),
  end_date: Sun Apr 17 2016 09:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST),
  attribution_expire_day: 0,
  cpa_lower: 0,
  cpa_upper: 0,
  kpi: 'インストール',
  __v: 0,
  deleted: false,
  delete_date: null,
  edit_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:48:09 GMT+0900 (JST),
  insert_date: Thu Mar 17 2016 20:48:09 GMT+0900 (JST),
  status: '配信中' }
{ [Error: Redis connection lost and command aborted in uncertain state. It might have been processed.] code: 'UNCERTAIN_STATE', command: 'HMSET' }
Error Error: Redis connection lost and commands aborted in uncertain state. They might have been processed.

他の形式にエクスポート: Atom PDF