サポート #25


山本 義治11年以上前に追加. 11年以上前に更新.

担当者:山本 義治進捗 %:







#1 山本 義治11年以上前に更新

  • 進捗 %0 から 80 に変更

[admin@web1]$ cd /www/aff/maintenance/20131026/
[admin@web1]$ ./stat_convert.php > stat_convert.log
select * from click_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and click_date < '2013-10-26 18:00:00'
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '147LKisP82774616'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '147LKisP82774616'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116010'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1010' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1500,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1010' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1500,
action_cost_cl_pc = 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1010'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1500,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1010'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1500,
action_cost_cl_pc = 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'bp00eo6882774640'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'bp00eo6882774640'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116013'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1033' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1500,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1033' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1500,
action_cost_cl_pc = 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1033'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1500,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1033'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1500,
action_cost_cl_pc = 2000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'hkD4i67n82774668'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'hkD4i67n82774668'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116087'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '657' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 900,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '657' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 900,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '7Sh393uD82774696'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '7Sh393uD82774696'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '657' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'KntXSzSs82774795'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'KntXSzSs82774795'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '657' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '657'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'eKHVlF8b82774959'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'eKHVlF8b82774959'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116051'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '584' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1200,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1500
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '584' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1200,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1500
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '584'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1200,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1500
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '584'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1200,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1500
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '0rk1yFze82774994'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '0rk1yFze82774994'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116052'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '948' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1000,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '948' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1000,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '948'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1000,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '948'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1000,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'D1277f2I82775014'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'D1277f2I82775014'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116054'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1015' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 950,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1300
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1015' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 950,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1300
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1015'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 950,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1300
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1015'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 950,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1300
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'A43zcy9v82775030'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'A43zcy9v82775030'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116060'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1029' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 900,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1029' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1029'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 900,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1029'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '21j488ZB82775045'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '21j488ZB82775045'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116059'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1018' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 900,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1018' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1018'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 900,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1018'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '20YbeS1K82775060'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '20YbeS1K82775060'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116069'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1019' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 900,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1019' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1019'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 900,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1019'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 900,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'qJx7iBXI82775074'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'qJx7iBXI82775074'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116072'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1051' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 0,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 0
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '1051' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 0,
action_cost_cl_pc = 0
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1051'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 0,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 0
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '1051'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 0,
action_cost_cl_pc = 0
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'Fw9RC99I82775088'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'Fw9RC99I82775088'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116065'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '361' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1000,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '361' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1000,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '361'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1000,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '361'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1000,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1400
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'q24oPSI482775106'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'q24oPSI482775106'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116070'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '779' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1050,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '779' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '779'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1050,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '779'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'yeBSMB2482775120'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'yeBSMB2482775120'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116170'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '516' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1050,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '516' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '516'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1050,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '516'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'Xxxn0rYa82775134'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'Xxxn0rYa82775134'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116171'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '642' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 800,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '642' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 800,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '642'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 800,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '642'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 800,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1000
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'J8S4q47382775149'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'J8S4q47382775149'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116080'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '514' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1080,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '514' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1080,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '514'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1080,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '514'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1080,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'td9inb3e82775163'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'td9inb3e82775163'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116082'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '706' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1080,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '706' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1080,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '706'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1080,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '706'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1080,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '0HS2U33882775176'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '0HS2U33882775176'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116173'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '515' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 1050,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '515' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '515'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 1050,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '515'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 1050,
action_cost_cl_pc = 1200
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = 'D18X9cmE82775189'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = 'D18X9cmE82775189'
update action_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where action_log_id = '116091'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '517' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
action_count_a = action_count_a - 1,
action_item_count_a = action_item_count_a - 1,
admit_count_a = admit_count_a - 1,
admit_item_count_a = admit_item_count_a - 1,
action_cost_a = action_cost_a - 600,
action_cost_cl_a = action_cost_cl_a - 800
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '517' and p_id = 1
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 600,
action_cost_cl_pc = 800
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '517'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1,
action_count_t1 = action_count_t1 - 1,
action_item_count_t1 = action_item_count_t1 - 1,
admit_count_t1 = admit_count_t1 - 1,
admit_item_count_t1 = admit_item_count_t1 - 1,
action_cost_t1 = action_cost_t1 - 600,
action_cost_cl_t1 = action_cost_cl_t1 - 800
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '517'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1,
action_count_pc = action_count_pc - 1,
admit_count_pc = admit_count_pc - 1,
action_cost_pc = action_cost_pc - 600,
action_cost_cl_pc = 800
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204
update click_log_201310 set
m_id = 206
where aff_id = '5xSrPL8o82775204'
select * from action_log_201310 where m_id = 204 and click_date >= '2013-10-26 17:03:36' and aff_id = '5xSrPL8o82775204'
update stat_log_201310 set
action_click_count_a = action_click_count_a - 1,
click_count_a = click_count_a - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204 and c_id = '517' and p_id = 0
update stat_log_client_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '517'
update stat_log_banner_201310 set
action_click_count_t1 = action_click_count_t1 - 1,
click_count_t1 = click_count_t1 - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and c_id = '517'
update stat_log_media_201310 set
action_click_count_pc = action_click_count_pc - 1,
click_count_pc = click_count_pc - 1
where stat_date = '2013-10-26' and m_id = 204

#2 山本 義治11年以上前に更新

  • ステータス新規 から 終了 に変更
  • 予定工数1.00 にセット

他の形式にエクスポート: Atom PDF